Stitching Hope: Darla A. Calvet’s Inspirational Journey

Darla A. Calvet’s life is a testament to unwavering tenacity and boundless courage. A survivor of a life-altering heart transplant, Darla has not just weathered storms but emerged an inspiration. Her journey, chronicled in her intimate memoir My Life in Stitches: A Heart Transplant Survivor Story, transcends the confines of illness, resonating deeply with anyone seeking hope amid darkness. Darla’s story extends beyond her writing career; she’s a gold medalist in ballroom dance at the Transplant Games of America and serves as the Vice President of the board of directors for the Southern California Transplant Games team. As the CEO of Blue Tiger, Inc., a strategic planning consultancy, Darla pairs her resilience with strategic acumen. Darla embodies a life dedicated to resilience, family, career, and inspiring others through her remarkable journey. In this interview, we ask Darla some questions about her debut book My Life in Stitches and learn a little more about the author herself.

A photograph of author Darla A. CalvetCan you tell us a little about the process of getting this book published? How did you come up with the idea and how did you start?

After I survived my heart transplant surgery, I immediately wanted to help others on this path. I attended a Writer’s Conference in Los Angeles and learned about the different publishing options. I liked the Acorn Publishing approach, so I went with them. They have been great and I’m happy with the results.

Tell us a little about what you do when you aren’t writing.

I do work as a grant writer for nonprofits and own a boutique consulting business. It is a nice balance with my writing career. I also hang out with my French Bulldog Quinnie and my husband Pat.

Where do you get your best ideas and why do you think that is?

Usually when I wake up in the morning. I must give great coffee the honors for getting my brain going.

What has been your best accomplishment as a writer?

Getting a five star review with my debut book, My Life in Stitches.

What is your schedule like when you’re writing a book?

I let my muse guide me. If I get an idea, I want to sit down and write it immediately. Otherwise, I will write a couple of hours per day on my personal projects. I write professionally for a living too.

Have you ever gotten reader’s block?

Yes, we all do. Anyone who says they don’t is fibbing. It’s part of the creative process and you just accept it and work through it.

How many hours a day do you write?

Typically about 20.

The front cover of My Life in Stitches: A Heart Transplant Survivor Story by Darla A. CalvetWould you share something about yourself that your readers don’t
know (yet)?

I would like to be on a version of the TV Show Survivor with other transplant patients. We are true survivors. It would be interesting.

How do you celebrate when you finish your book?

By having a party at our home with all of the people who supported me
throughout this process.

If you had to compare this book to any other book out there, which book would it be?

I would compare it to books like Cancer Schmancer by Fran Drescher, although I am not a celebrity. I liked her funny way of dealing with a very unfunny diagnosis and survival, so I tried to model that style in my book.

Who is your target audience?

The original target audience for this book was transplant patients. I have now expanded this to anyone dealing with a chronic illness/diagnosis and their medical teams and families. Really, I think anyone would be inspired by this book. It is a “rising from the ashes” type of story.

Tell us about your most rewarding experience since publishing your work.

My most rewarding experience was showing the book to the medical team who saved my life. They have so many tough things to deal with at the hospital that it made them all smile and have a moment of happiness. That meant the world to me, since there is really no way I can repay them for saving my life.

Are your characters pure fiction, or did you draw from people you know?

They are all real people.

What do you hope to accomplish with your book other than selling it?

If I help one other patient to deal with the ominous road to transplant, I will be happy.

Where can our readers purchase your book?

It debuted on Amazon on December 12, 2023!


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My Life in Stitches: A Heart Transplant Survivor Story

Darla Calvet is a thirty-nine-year-old working mom whose life turns upside down when she is diagnosed with congestive heart failure. Suddenly, fear threatens her dreams for the future as doctors’ appointments replace her daily routines and she realizes she may not live to see her daughters grow up. After dying twice while waiting for a new heart, Darla begins to understand her own resiliency—her heart may be weak, but her mind refuses to give up.

My Life in Stitches: A Heart Transplant Survivor Story is a candid, witty account of one woman’s determination to transform a devastating prognosis into an inspiring fight for survival. Darla’s story offers insight into the complex world of medicine with a dose of humor about her challenges and victories as a heart transplant patient.

In this sensitive, thorough, and informative debut, Calvet brings compassion and gentle wisdom to a difficult subject in hopes of demystifying the uncertainties that inevitably accompany long-term, life-threatening medical decisions.

Purchase My Life in Stitches


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A graphic for My Life in Stitches: A Heart Transplant Survivor Story by Darla A. Calvet

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