The Inspiration Behind KC’s Transformation Journey: A Memoir Interview

A Memoir Interview

Interview by Memoir Interviews | Featuring Author KC

Memoir Interviews: KC, your books Chaos: I In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery have touched so many lives with their raw honesty and powerful message. Can you share what inspired you to begin this transformation journey and write these books?

KC: My transformation journey began when I finally had the courage to admit that I was struggling with my mental health. It took me years to recognize that I needed help, and it wasn’t until I was facing a twenty-year sentence that I started to put life into perspective. My wife played a significant role in finding a mental health center, and that was when I realized I had to make a choice: continue being a toxic person or seek help. The decision to get help wasn’t for anyone else; it was for me. That’s where my journey began, and that’s the message I wanted to share in Chaos. Admitting you have a problem is the first step. Choosing to seek help for yourself—not for family, not for friends—is crucial. Purchase on Amazon

Memoir Interviews: In your books, you emphasize mental health and self-care. What strategies have you found most effective in your own journey, and how do they align with the themes of the Chaos series?

KC: One of the most important strategies is learning to self-advocate. Finding the right therapist—one who challenges you, listens, and is honest—is critical. If you can’t be open with your therapist, you won’t move forward. Another key point is being honest with yourself about your needs. It’s okay to switch doctors or therapists if they’re not the right fit. I also emphasize the importance of seeking help before it’s too late. I was blessed with a second chance at life, but not everyone gets that. So, for anyone reading this, take that first step, admit you need help, and seek it out. You deserve to live a healthier, happier life. Purchase on Amazon

Memoir Interviews: Your readers have expressed how much Chaos: I In the Shadows and Chaos II: Road to Recovery have impacted their lives. Could you share some reviews or testimonials that highlight this?

KC: Absolutely. Here’s one that stands out:

“Chaos in the Shadows / Road to Recovery was very well written. This book put me on an emotional roller coaster. It made me ask questions about my own trauma and whether I had taken good care of my mental health. The writer is brave to share the horrific trauma he faced as a child. This book helped me understand that, no matter what I go through, I can get through it.”

Reviews like this remind me why I wrote the Chaos series—to inspire and guide others through their own healing journeys. Another reader shared how the book made them realize that mental health is essential for creating a safe and healthy environment with a partner. Hearing how my story has helped others is incredibly fulfilling. Purchase on Amazon

Memoir Interviews: Your journey of redemption, love, and fulfillment through the Most High is deeply moving. How did you find your way back to faith and love after such challenging experiences?

KC: It’s interesting because for a long time, I was angry with the Most High. My stepfather was strict and abusive, using the Bible as justification, which turned me away from religion. It wasn’t until I met my wife that I truly began to understand what love is. She stood by me through everything—the violence, the incarceration, the highs and lows. She loved me when I couldn’t love myself. Having her, along with good friends, showed me a different side of the Most High—one of patience, kindness, and forgiveness. Looking back, I can see now that even when I gave up on Him, He never gave up on me.

Memoir Interviews: Are there any specific words or scriptures that have helped you through your recovery?

KC: Yes, there are a few statements I live by:

  • Forgiveness is for you, not the abuser.
  • You have to love yourself first before you can love anyone else.
  • One can only achieve failure when they stop putting in the work.
  • Trauma can either be used to destroy you or as a tool for success.

A scripture that has guided me is Proverbs 3:5-6: Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight. That scripture has been a constant reminder to keep faith, even when I don’t fully understand what’s happening.

Memoir Interviews: How has community support played a role in your healing process?

KC: Community support has been invaluable. I found healing in groups—both in person and online—where I could connect with people who understood what I was going through. During COVID-19, I joined my first online group, and it was an incredible experience. We still check up on each other. Having a support system, whether in your local community or online, is crucial for anyone facing challenges. The more I talked about my problems, the easier it became to deal with them.

Memoir Interviews: What’s next for you and the Chaos series? Are there any upcoming projects your readers can look forward to?

KC: I’m excited to share that I’m starting a podcast focused on mental health, the road to recovery, and other related topics. My passion is helping people, and this podcast will be another way to reach out to those who need it. I’ve also been doing public speaking events at mental health organizations, and I plan on writing more books in the future. The journey continues, and I’m eager to see where it leads.

Memoir Interviews: Vulnerability is such an important aspect of personal growth, and your books certainly highlight that. How has embracing vulnerability helped you on your journey?

KC: Embracing vulnerability was one of the hardest things for me. I had built walls around myself for protection, but those walls had to come down if I wanted to live a healthy life. In Chaos: In the Shadows/ Chaos: Road to Recovery, I wanted to show readers who I truly was—to be open about my life and how those experiences shaped me. My hope was that by sharing my vulnerability, others would feel empowered to work through their own traumas. Vulnerability is a catalyst for personal growth, and it’s something I had to learn the hard way.

Memoir Interviews: Thank you so much for sharing your story with us, KC. Your journey is an inspiration, and we’re excited to see what the future holds for you and your work.

KC: Thank you. I’m grateful for the opportunity to share my story, and I hope it continues to help others on their own paths to healing.


If you or someone you know is struggling with mental health, please seek help. There are resources available to support you on your journey, including mental health centers, therapy groups, and community support systems. You are not alone.

Chaos: I In the Shadows Chaos II Road to Recovery 

Purchase on Amazon

The purpose of my book is to touch the hearts of many and put the reader on an emotional roller coaster. As the writer, I aim to get you thinking about the past, present, and future situations we all may encounter. I am also challenging the reader to become more of a free thinker because things are not always what they seem. I want each reader to feel hurt and find empathy, all while dealing with their struggles so they can find the courage, strength, and healing they may be longing for. My goal of inspiring others to look at their own circumstances and realize with time, patience, and self-love, that anything is possible. I am praying that the reader will see the passion, love, and honesty from the pages they read. My prayers are that this book helps someone, and gives the reader an understanding while asking themselves important questions. I want the people who read my book to understand this is not from a clinical point of view. This book is from a person willing to share a story. My story. On the struggles, some of us are faced with on the daily.

Hello, My name is K.C., I am a first-time book writer sharing my story about my struggles and battles in life and with mental health. My book has allowed me to be open and honest about my home life and struggles with mental challenges. How I found redemption, love, and fulfillment through the Most High who gave me a strong wife and family to walk with on my journey. My prayer is this book will help someone with mental challenges to understand that yes, this may be an illness, but it does not define who you are as a person. In my heart, there is a light that wants to help others succeed and have a purpose in life. The Most High gave me this opportunity by inspiring me and giving me the gift of writing. Thank You.

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